Journalism + Design: Predictions for 2019 / about

This past spring of 2018, journalism students from The New School teamed up with design students from The Rhode Island School of Design. Each team wrote an article that: 1) identified an important ux or ethical challenge in the field of journalism; 2) predicted how the industry will respond to the challenge; and 3) designed one example of a product solution (a website, app, extension, installation, etc.).

The journalism students are from the “Design for Journalists II” class in The New School’s Journalism+Design program. The design students are from the “Editorial Design for Screen” class in RISD’s graphic design program. Dylan Greif (that’s me) is the instructor for both classes.

Speek: Making Podcasting Easier

Editing the Byline

From Letter to the Editor to Comment Section

Hear Our Voices

Know Who Produces the News You Consume

Women of Tech

The Offline

It's Time For News To Get To The Point.


Building Bridges
